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theICEway x CleanHub London Litter Pick – World Environment Day

by Colm Bushell | June 6, 2024 | Blog | 0 Comments

Join us as our team went into London to participate in CleanHub’s environmental day litter pick.

We began our journey from Welwyn at 16:51, boarding the train that would take us to London King's Cross and then onto Angel. As we left the station we arrived at our starting point, Redemption Roasters, where the CleanHub team warmly welcomed us. They equipped us with gloves and picking sticks for our clean-up mission.

With a sense of excitement in the air, we set off along the picturesque Regent's Canal, ready to uncover and collect as much rubbish as possible. As we walked along the canal, our team engaged in friendly competition to see who could find the most unusual piece of rubbish. David T emerged as the winner, having fished out nearly 10 tennis balls from the canal.

Since I was at the back of the group, I only managed to collect the leftovers of everyone else, primarily cigarette butts. In comparison to some of the other people’s bin bags, mine seemed rather pathetic. However, I reminded myself that every piece of rubbish counts.

As we continued our clean-up mission, we were greeted with appreciation by some of the residents living on the narrowboats along the canal. Their kind words further motivated our efforts. 

After finishing the walk around the Regent’s Canal, we then made our way to Shoreditch Park. We then piled up our collected litter in a pile and took a group photo as seen below.

We had come to the end of our litter clear up, but we were not finished. The CleanHub staff had kindly booked a table at the George and Vulture, Hoxton. They treated us to a couple of nice refreshments which was well needed after an eventful day. 

Overall, we all really enjoyed the experience and would love to come back next year. The walk has inspired us to start our own local initiative that we intend to host in Welwyn Garden. We're very grateful to the CleanHub team for hosting the event and for their incredible hospitality.

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